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HOW MINDFULNESS AND MEDITATION PRACTICE GIVES YOU SUPERPOWERS: Recharge your relationships. Cultivate constructive conversations. Liberate your life.


○ Argument - Strong Emotions = Conversation

○ Mindfulness and meditation practice increases awareness and control over your strong emotional reactions.

○ This enhances our relationships. Elevates our communication skills. Expands our quality of life.



The Oracle Tree
The Oracle Tree says: Calm Before Conversation

Remember the old adage, "Don't discuss religion or politics?" I used to wonder why. Why can't we discuss such important topics? Today, I understand.


We live in an ever-increasing polarized society. Simple discussions over coffee or dinner parties are now interpersonal minefields. One false step and…BOOM! Anger. Outrage. Judgement. Resentment. Broken relationships.




One reason I can offer: We allow our strong emotions to override our critical thinking. Our logic. Even our grasp of reality. Each of us. Including me.


I am dedicated to changing that. For myself. For others. For you.



As an extra-wicked-super-emotional person, I understand this via personal experience. Tidal waves of super-strong emotions shut down our brains. Our capacity to reason recedes. Logic leaves. Ability to hear what is actually said, suspended.


I am an American married to an Englishman. I encounter this. Every. Single. Week. Even after a decade. He makes a comment meant in jest. Presented in a very serious and proper manner, as the English do so well. If I'm tired or not paying enough attention, I hyper-react inside. A classic knee-jerk reaction.


"I cannot BELIEVE he said that," my American side screams. Outrage overwhelms. An anger apocalypse. Feelings fragment.


Wait...stop. Think. Remember where you are and who you are with. Ah, that English Thing again.


Misunderstanding mayhem mitigated.



The same applies to any situation. Casual comments. Deep discussions. Nightly news. Social media messages. Constructive criticism. 


How to do this in your life? Mindfulness and meditation. Every. Single. Day. Even dedicating mini-moments maximizes your awareness. Awareness is the answer.


Fluffy Cloud Number One
Emotional Mastery brings Blue Skies and Fluffy Clouds to Your Conversations

STEP ONE: AWARENESS. Dedicate yourself to witness your emotional reactions. Each day, examine your emotional responses. Are you overreacting? Misunderstanding? Reacting before thinking?


STEP TWO: PRACTICE. Find a mindfulness and/or meditative practice that suits you. Fits your life. Find it fun. Enjoy the experience.


STEP THREE: THINK THINGS THROUGH. Take a step back. Why are you reacting? Is this logical? Does it fit the facts? Careful consideration is crucial.


Over time, this accentuates your ability to reign in those horrendous hyper-emotions. Awareness allows mind management. Averts arguments. Reduces rage responses. Understanding yourself enhances understanding others.


Mindfulness and meditation practices transform avoidable arguments to constructive conversations!  Now THAT is a superpower!


Don't know where to start? Looking for guidance? Contact me and I'd be happy to help!




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